Canadians often associate The Royal Canadian Legion with Remembrance ceremonies and the annual Poppy campaign. Through these initiatives, we honour and remember Canada’s fallen Veterans and help ensure Canadians never forget.
While November 11 is recognized as a day of Remembrance, for the Legion, Remembrance is a year-long commitment. At any given moment, there are many opportunities available to anyone wishing to show their appreciation for those who served, including:
Becoming a Legion member to support Veterans year-round.
Making a donation to the Legion’s Poppy Trust Fund at any Legion Branch
Saying “Thank you” to a Veteran.
Honouring a fallen Veteran on the Legion’s Wall of Honour and Remembrance
Planting Poppy seeds or growing a garden of Remembrance.
Visiting a Cenotaph
Inviting a Legion Branch to make a presentation at a school or community group.
Wearing or displaying commemorative items from the Poppy Store
Visiting the Canadian War Museum or local history museums
Volunteering to help Veterans, and more!
Most importantly, take a moment now and then to reflect on the freedoms and peace in your life, and to remember the men and women who served and sacrificed for all we have today.